One of the most significant issues in the food sector is the biodegradable waste created after product manufacture, whose utilization accounts for a significant portion of the company’s expenditures. JSC BIOKONA builds biogas power plants as well as pasteurization and sanitization equipment. Such initiatives allow garbage to be shredded, cleaned, and converted into biogas, which can then be utilized in existing boiler houses to replace fossil fuels as well as in cogeneration facilities that create both heat and power. It can also be utilized in manufacturing and supplied to networks. Another use is biomethane generation and delivery to main or distribution pipes.

Services offered:

  1. Carry out a feasibility study, design, and build a complete turnkey power plant with the necessary equipment for waste utilization and biogas and/or energy production.
  2. To produce and install only sanitizing equipment. Then you can sell the raw material to pre-existing biogas power plants.
  3. Renovate or rebuild a biodegradable waste utilization farm that already exists.
  4. Our company has expertise in rebuilding, remodeling, and building specific parts of power plants, as well as project implementation from concept to complete implementation and operation.

Contact us, and we will show you fully operational and deployed facilities.
